Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thinking Tools 2

In the name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Concept Fan
Concept fan is a thinking tool to find various alternatives of solution to problems.  The goal is to find solutions which are original and new.  The solution which is already done or obvious is rejected.  In order to fine novelty solutions, we look back and try to look at the problem at a broader perspective.

First, draw a circle to the right of a piece of paper.  Write the problem that we want to solve in the circle.
Draw a line which radiates from the circle and write possible solution on that line.  We can draw as many lines as possible and on each line wrote the possible solution.

We may decide that the solutions are not practical or would not work, so we look back at a broader perspective, the possible cause of the problem.  After that we repeat step 1.  We do this steps until we find solutions which are new, practical and effective.

Picture from mindtool.com

1 comment:

  1. Salam Madam, today i learnt something, which is very interesting and new to me. solving problems and finding the root/cause of each problem in order to get the best solution has never been this fun. =)

    "concept fan" teaches me to look at one problem in broader perspective. once the outlook is broadened, reaching resolutions is indeed very easy.

    but the problem that i found when using this concept is: it's easy to get carried away from the main task. going back in order to reach the real cause of a problem may lead me to deviate from my main purpose. i don't know when to stop.
